JS Pigments Pvt Ltd is An ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS certified company with its Quality standard, Environment Friendly and Safety measures.
Copper waste containing waste such as WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), electrical cables, old taps, copper plumbing pipes and scrap from copper/copper alloy production and manufacturing is collected, dismantled and sorted. This is followed by melting, casting and the manufacture of new copper products. all kinds of waste copper cables including waste auto circuit wire lines and waste communication cables and about 41% of our demand for copper in india is met from recycling.
Copper can be found in many products such as Electrical cables, roofing, industrial machinery, household cable, low grade cable, high grade cable, fiber optic cable, and greasy cable to name just a few..
Once collected the Cable is tested and analyzed, they are then stripped down and the content extracted for recycling including the plastics and rubber.
Because of its role in facilitating iron uptake, copper deficiency can produce anemia-like symptoms, neutropenia, bone abnormalities, hypopigmentation, impaired growth, increased incidence of infections, osteoporosis, hyperthyroidism, and abnormalities in glucose and cholesterol metabolism. Conversely, Wilson’s disease causes an accumulation of copper in body tissues.
The economic and environmental benefits of recycling copper are given below and illustrate the sustainable nature of copper:
During mining and refining (purification) of copper, dust and waste gases such as sulphur dioxide are produced which may have a harmful effect on the environment. Although these harmful effects are minimised by copper producers (sulphur dioxide is captured and used to make sulphuric acid), with recycling there are little, if any, harmful gases emitted.
Copper and copper alloy objects which are not recycled might otherwise be dumped in holes in the ground – this is called landfill. These holes are rapidly being filled up and, as they become scarcer, landfill becomes a very expensive option for waste disposal (of any material).
In order to extract copper from copper ore the energy required is approximately 100GJ/tonne. Recycling copper uses much less energy, about 10GJ/tonne, that’s only 10% of the energy needed for extraction. This energy saving leads to the conservation of valuable reserves of oil, gas or coal and reduces the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.
To date only about 12% of known copper resources have been mined. However copper ore is a finite resource and it makes sense to conserve ore by recycling.
Recycling helps to keep the cost of copper products down.